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bluefire real estate group (anhui blueprint &huiyan marketing) the perfect ending of mid-year conference
news writer:蓝火置业   time:2016-07-19

july 15th, 2016

our group marched forwards the meeting room in tonglin for 2016 mid-year conference of anhui blueprint &huiyan branch in the first half year.

why we chose tonglin?
because there was a partner in datong, tonglin.
huiyan, ziyuan
      it is worth mentioning that tonglin is both a 5a national scenic spot and an ancient town with thousands-year history that characterizes watery town in the southern part of china which is honored as cultural sediments over thousands of years but expresses itself in a commonest and simplest way.

       it is huiyan, ziyuan that locates such an international tourist resort. the river, ancient town, antique streets and villages emerges as the excellent place that will make you relaxed. it is also our new agency project.
     of course, it also appears to be a place where we summarize the past and look ahead. this is the reason why we choose          this spectacular place to have our mid-year conference.
it is time to return to our meeting. when prepared the meeting, we actively decorated the meeting room and adjusted the equipment.

      at 10:30 am
      the general manager wang yongxing announced the beginning of the 2016 mid-year conference of bluefire real estate group (anhui blueprint &huiyan marketing)!
let us appreciate the attendants’ performance 
      following the routine, the directors from respective projects made their presentations center on the theme of “praising the achievement, discussing the shortage, giving advice, setting the goals”.

      ranging from the hefei, dingyuan, quzhou, fuyang, liu’an to huoqiu and tonglin this year…..

      from ptt, we witnessed the development rate of blueprint and huiyan at the first sight, and saw the efforts and fruits that everyone had made. we also sensed the goals of future development.

      after the presentation and discussion, mr. wang made a summary and even encouraged everyone to march forwards together and overpass the goals!

      the mid-year conference perfectly ended in applause!

       don’t worry, it hasn’t finished!

       we went to mountain jiuhua to open our praying journey!

      standingat the summit of the spectacular mountain, we made our sincerest hope: wish anhui blueprint &huiyangrowing better!
